Chiba, Japan

nicolina johnson, chiba, japan, art, hearts of the world, project

Chiba, Japan. Chiba School for Art, October 2010.

nicolina, johnson, hearts, world, free art society, chiba, japan, arts, children

“What’s in your heart?”
“My painting is called America holds Japan. Inside is Mt. Fuji and a peaceful samurai sword.”-Akio, age 13

nicolina, johnson, hearts, world, free art society, chiba, japan, arts, children

“What’s in your heart?”
“Music, watermelon, and love.”-Kiyoko, age 10

nicolina, johnson, hearts, world, free art society, chiba, japan, arts, children
“What’s in your heart?”
“A fish with legs, the root systems, many characters and nature.”-Frank, age 8

nicolina, johnson, hearts, world, free art society, chiba, japan, arts, children

A young girl describes to Nicolina what she painted.

nicolina, johnson, hearts, world, free art society, chiba, japan, arts, children+

“What’s in your heart?”
“These characters that I made, that I want to show the world.”-Hana, age 8